III . Opening and management of the administrative structure
What is the importance of setting up an administrative structure?
As we know, associations are constituted by the gathering of people who wish to develop activities of social interest, or others, in favor of a certain group or of society in general, without the pretension of obtaining profit or any other type of financial benefit.
It is through the constitution of an administrative structure, that the association gains legal personality and can exercise different activities, as well as apply for funding and other tax benefits.
What are the main steps for opening the administrative structure?
- Constitution of the working group (Let’s develop a project!);
- Group meeting to define the name, mission, values;
- Define what objectives to achieve.
What documents are required?
- • Bylaws – These define the association, its mission, vision, the role of each member in the association and the general process of operation;
- By-laws – These complement the by-laws with more specific details such as: they define the organization’s guidelines, principles and rules of operation;
- Activity Plan- Plans the annual activities to be developed and describes the objectives to be achieved, the programmes to be carried out and the resources to be used;
- Activity Reports and Accounts – These describe the objectives achieved, the degree of achievement of activities and resources; it reports the activities carried out as well as the financial statements for the previous year.
What documents are required?
The How-Now-Wow matrix is a selection tool in which a group weighs up each idea based on two parameters. Draw a 2-by-2 matrix – the horizontal axis represents the originality of the idea; the vertical one how easy it is to implement.
Label the quadrants as follows:
NOW – blue ideas: easy-to-implement ideas that solve problems and result in incremental benefits
HOW – yellow ideas: those that are a breakthrough in terms of impact, but im-possible to implement right now given your current resources.
WOW – green ideas: those that have the potential for orbit-shifting change and that you can implement given your resources.
100$ test
Add all of your ideas generated during brainstorming in a matrix with a space for a potential in-vestment in each one. Give each team member a hypothetical $100 to invest as they prefer – either everything into one idea or divided between more than one. Get them to write down why they made this decision, since it can be great input for decision making. After doing this individually, share your investments with the group, see which idea has the most money and go for it!
Who are the members of the organisation/association?
- Governing Bodies
- General Assembly (highest body)
- Management (Executive Body)
- Conselho Fiscal (Supervisory Board)
- Members
- Volunteers
You can find successful fundraising campaign here